This is an alarm

Here is a very neat recording for all siren fans which I managed to catch one summer night last year. It is the DS977 model, which served as a standard siren since the 60s in the former GDR to alert the population and fire brigades. It also has been exported to other countries in eastern europe. Here in East Germany it can still be found in many places, because these motor sirens work very reliably even after more than 50 years. However, they are often dismantled or replaced by digital sirens nowadays. Meanwhile the siren in this recording is not active anymore, probably it was not connected to the new alarming system. You can hear other sirens from a greater distance in the background.

3 responses to “This is an alarm”

  1. It definitely sounds familiar. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these sirens was exported to the Soviet Union and I was able to hear it somewhere many years later :D.

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